This outstanding dummy tells, visually, the story of the loss of the photographer’s parents in the 2011 tsunami that occurred in Japan.
The jury found the visual story and the narrative very powerful, and also perceived the struggle in finding an adequate way of telling the story of a personal loss of such magnitude.
With the decision of awarding Mayumi Suzuki, the jury is offering their support for the completion of this very personal project by turning this already strong dummy into a book. We realise how something that might have started as a way to deal with a personal loss, can turn into a project to share with a larger audience. Reflected in this dummy, we see the struggle of the author and the challenges she had to face, and therefore we believe it has a huge potential. She was able to show her vulnerability on the pages, but not always she seems capable of finding a reaction to it on her own.
~ PhotoBoox Award jury statement
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